Dialogue on film - new blog entry
I've written a new blog post which give a little bit of Long Arm news in a convoluted way but is more about writing dialogue for film.
I've written a new blog post which give a little bit of Long Arm news in a convoluted way but is more about writing dialogue for film.
I've recently, and needlessly, added to the number of words on the internet by writing another entry on my blog. To be honest it doesn't have much to do with filmmaking but it does make the case for rewatching Wayne's World. And wearing hats.
As promised, I've finally got around to writing about the recent Ex Libris shoot on my blog this week. You can gasp at all the delicious behind-the-scenes gossip and revelation by following this handy link. (Just don't look too hard for the gossip or revelation).
Melanie Walters as Iris and Robert Pugh as Thomas in Long Arm Films' Ex Libris
Long Arm Films has had a busy weekend shooting two short films. The first, written and directed Jimmy and me is called Ex Libris and stars the wonderful Robert Pugh and Melanie Walters. The second, called The Sound of Silence, is written and directed by High Tide DOP Chris Lang and stars Keiron Self and Lynne Seymour. It is produced by Jimmy and me.
The Long Arm crew was split over the two shoots and we welcomed several new members to the team. Both films wrapped (relatively) on time and we look forward to showing you the results in due course.
I will most likely write a blog post about the shoots in the coming days but in the meantime please enjoy this exclusive still from the Ex Libris rushes.
Robert Pugh as Thomas and Melanie Walters as Iris in Long Arm Films' Ex Libris.
I've published a new blog post on my Wordpress site. Entitled Two Shorts and the greatest Long Player of all time, in it I reveal the titles of two forthcoming Long Arm Films and then get carried away with my love of Promenade by The Divine Comedy.
Greetings of the season to everyone who passes by this way and thanks to all the dozens of people who have helped us with our adventures this year.
Click on my stupid face below for a special Christmas gift from the Long Arm vaults.
Jim has reduced the Long Arm year into ten easily read gobbets. You can read his thoughts here on his Wordpress blog.
Not so much news, but Jim has written another entry on his (award-winning) blog which is almost-certainly too long and will have scant reference to filmmaking. But if you have a spare few minutes you could do worse than reading it.
I have written another piece for my Wordpress blog, this time about why Jimmy and I love Linklater's "Before" trilogy with such passion.
Hello internet.
This will make sense if you read the blog.
I have just written a new thing on my Wordpress blog. It features some Long Arm news and lengthy musings on 80s medicine. Perhaps you'd like a look.
(You'll also see why Jimmy makes me keep the blog off our proper site).
I still continue to write my blog which may be of interest to some. It is not hosted on the Long Arm site for fear of my views becoming confused with those of the company.
However, please feel free to peruse if you have a few spare minutes. Recent posts have included:
The worst line of dialogue I have written.
How Netflix has dulled basic human function.
Long Arm's second feature film is announced (and then called off).
I do my best to put the High Tide shoot into some sort of context.
I experiment with hats.
After floundering somewhere near the bottom of the website design barrel for sometime, we are delighted to reveal our new site to the world. It has been designed using the superb Squarespace service and we hope it will grow and become ever more gorgeous as the months pass.
The wonderful photography that you can see throughout the site is the work of the absurdly talented Lewis Gillingham, who worked as assistant DOP on the shoot for our feature film High Tide. The fact the site looks as good as it does is largely down to him.
If you click on his name at the bottom of each page you can access his Flickr portfolio.